on Littoral Art
Bruce Barber
1) Littoral describes the
intermediate and shifting zone between the sea and the
land and refers metaphorically to cultural projects that
are undertaken predominantly outside of the conventional
contexts of the institutionalized artworld.
2) Littoral
projects are lifeworld affirming as opposed to system
reproducing. Littoral Artists work between the private
realm and the public sphere.
3) Littoral Artists recognise
their position as political subjects and act accordingly.
4) Social
actions may (re)produce cultural judgments.
5) Cultural interventions may
lead toward social change.
6) Public,
community based art is essentially political.
7) The political positions
that artists adopt should be followed ethically.
8) Littoral
artists acknowledge Marx's injunction in his 11th Thesis
on Feuerbach that it is not up to "philosophers
(artists) to simply interpret (represent) the world; the
point is to change it."
9) In Littoral art projects
social interactions should be co-ordinated with less
emphasis on egocentric calculations of success for each
individual and more through co-operative achievements of
understanding among participants.
10) Social and
cultural actions can be strategic, exemplary,
instrumental or communicative. Communicative actions
attempt to lessen provocation and encourage dialogue.
They are the result of the conjoining of theory and
practice into a political praxis.
11) In Littoral Art projects
no one individual should assumed absolute control of the
communicative process; rather it should be, in the best
sense possible, participatory and democratic.
12) Public art
projects are aimed at stimulating dialogue and
participation within a specific community to engender (or
engineer) conscientization, and possibly, social change.
13) The interaction between
marginal groups, and their integration in such projects
can lead to extraordinary results in which artistic,
social and environmental objectives overlap.
14) Littoral
art helps to stimulate dialogue and elevate the standards
of conversation between different communities and
disciplines whose paths would normally not cross.
15) The littoral artist may
use any form and employ any materials, techniques or
procedures to reach his/her objectives.
Littoralist art is more about giving than taking.
17) Within littoralist art
practice, donative art strategies extend the language of
the altruistic gift into a more politically efficacious
education about the nature of gift giving and
18) Littoral
artists acknowledge their debt to history and respond
positively to successful models presented by the
historical avant-gardes and neo-avant-gardes of the more
recent past.
19) Littoral art projects can
provide a powerful incentive for social integration as
opposed to individual competition.
20) Littoral
art can provide an alternative to capital accumulation
and power as an indicator of success.
21) Political correctness
cannot rescue a bad idea. It is difficult to subvert a
politically correct position.
22) Littoral
projects may become art if they are concerned with art
and enter the fields of discourse associated with art
theory and criticism.
23) Some successful littoral
projects may begin from a position of naivete.
Surveillance is a form of control. Observational
techniques represent methods of social control.
25) Littoral artists should
attempt to understand the affects of their actions and
interventions in the public sphere and learn from their
26) Artists
may perceive the littoralist projects of others to be
better than their own, but they should strive to
approximate success at every level of their social
27) Littoral projects may
engage directly with an institution.
28) Once the
immediate objectives of the project are established, the
course of events should be allowed to unfold organically.
There may be many side effects that the artist cannot
imagine or control. These may be used to stimulate and/or
assist the development of new work.
29) The process is social and
should not be tampered with. It should run its course.
30) There are
many elements involved in a littoralist project. The most
important may not be the most obvious.
31) It the artist uses the
same methodology in a group of projects but changes the
techniques and materials, one would assume that the
artist's work privileged the method.
32) Banal
ideas cannot be rescued by privileging the aesthetic
values that may reside in the work.
33) It is difficult to bungle
a good littoral project.
34) When an
artist displays his/her craft too well, it may result in
the loss of the social importance of the work.
35) These sentences comment
on littoral art but are not art.